Frequently Asked Questions
Do I have to begin Living with Christ at the start of a new year?
No, you can begin the process at any time. Whether you begin January 1, on your birthday or anniversary, or some other important milestone, you can look at your life over the course of a specific time-period that would be helpful to you. Because you have life-time access, we also encourage you to use this process at the beginning on each new year so that you have planned your new year with Christ.
What are the four sections of the retreat:
Each section is broken down in the format of a week with a video, prayer guides and activities for planning your life with Christ.
- Aligning My Values with Christ's Values
- Reviewing My Year with Christ
- Hearing Christ's Call for my Life
- Living with Christ
How does Living with Christ work?
Living with Christ is a guided discernment process featuring four 90-minute recorded sessions, with Becky & Chris Eldredge, and weekly handouts that include a daily guide for prayer, and weekly activities for planning your year with Christ. Your prayer and activity time can happen according to your schedule.
What is the expected time commitment for this retreat?
Plan to set aside 15-30 minutes for daily prayer and reflection.
What supplies will I need for this retreat?
Supplies needed for the retreat: Computer, tablet or smartphone, a prayer place, Bible, and a journal. Prayer guides are provided for each week, but you might like a binder/folder to keep your weekly prayer guides if you download them.
How can I access this course? Is there an app?
The course platform is Teachable. You can access the course through logging into on a computer or laptop. There is also a free Teachable iOS app for Apple devices.
What if I cannot download my handouts?
If you having trouble downloading the handouts, please reach out to us at [email protected].