Hi Friends! Overview

Welcome, friends!

For over 25 years, I have practiced and taught the value of contemplative prayer and discernment. As an Ignatian-trained Spiritual Director, I watch people's lives be transformed through taking time everyday to be still and to discern God's voice. Embracing the tools of contemplative prayer and discernment that St Ignatius of Loyola gave us 500 years ago is a path to peace and hope.

One of my passions is accompanying those seeking deeper waters of faith on the Ignatian path of prayer, discernment and accompaniment. It is a path that offers us a deep well to draw from as we live, lead, and walk others closer to Christ. In this five-part live virtual series, I will teach you the first set of Ignatian discernment rules, both for yourself and to empower you to use this wisdom in your ministries.

Class Dates:
Mark your calendars to join us live via Zoom! The recordings are sent within 24 hours after the live class, but I would love to see your face when possible.

Session I: August 28, 2024
Rules 1-4: The Spirits at Work
12:30-2:00pm Central Daylight Time 

Session II: September 25, 2024
Rules 5-8: Guidelines of Desolation 
12:30-2:00pm Central Daylight Time 

Session III: October 23, 2024
Rule 9: Reasons Desolation Occurs
12:30-2:00pm Central Daylight Time 

Session IV: November 20, 2024
Rule 10-11: Spiritual Consolation
12:30-2:00pm Central Standard Time 

Session V: December 11, 2024
Rule 12-14: The False Spirit at Work
12:30-2:00pm Central Standard Time

I look forward to walking with you. Know of my prayers for you!



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