Love and Freedom: The First Principle and Foundation

One of the most challenging things in the world is to believe in and receive God’s unconditional love for us. The messages of our culture sometimes seem to encourage us to look to people and things other than God to find our worth, our identity, and our meaning. It can feel confusing! Not to mention, it can leave us feeling like our lives are out of order. We can feel restless and unfree, sometimes even searching endlessly for the purpose of our lives.  

Maybe you feel like that now? Perhaps, you are facing a longing to anchor your life in something that gives life meaning and purpose and helps you know who you are.   

The answer to our deepest human desires is not anchoring our lives in something, but building our lives on a solid foundation, a relationship with Someone-God-who deeply loves us and desires to set us free.   

“The purpose and goal of life is to praise, reverence, and serve God. Everything else helps us achieve that purpose.” ~Gerald M Fagin, SJ 

The goal of our life is clear. We are called to live with God forever. In doing so, we love, praise, and serve God, and find the purpose and meaning of our life.   

St. Ignatius, in the wisdom of his Spiritual Exercises, begins with something he calls the First Principle and Foundation. Even if we never make the Spiritual Exercises, the gifts of the First Principle and Foundation can help us discover the depth of God’s unconditional love for us, embrace the freedom God seeks to give us, and to discover the purpose of our lives. Knowing these things give us an unshakable foundation that will help us navigate all the areas of our lives. 

This six-week retreat offers you a path of prayer to embrace the unconditional love of God and receive the gift of freedom.  


Let's walk the Ignatian path together. 

Join our community for our NEW! six-week virtual retreat, Love & Freedom: The First Principle of Foundation. This unique online retreat, based on the 500-year-old wisdom of the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius Loyola, provides an individual retreat experience within a virtual and international community of faith.  

This retreat is grounded in the wisdom of The First Principle and Foundation, the beginning movement of the Spiritual Exercises that St. Ignatius calls the preparation days. St. Ignatius reminds us that the starting point of our relationship with God is that we are already highly favored by God, unconditionally loved, and created as good.  

Praying with The First Principle and Foundation helps us believe that we are all worthy of God’s unconditional love and boundless mercy, that God seeks to help us intimately know God’s love, and that God wants to offer us the gift of freedom. In the same way that St Ignatius designed the preparation days to prepare the heart, Love & Freedom is a six-week community retreat providing a guided path of daily prayer to anchor you in the depth of God’s unconditional love for you so that you can go forth with greater freedom to follow where God calls.   

The Purpose of our Retreat:   

The purpose of this retreat is to help you to deeply understand and believe in God’s unconditional love for you and to embrace the gift of spiritual freedom that comes as you accept the invitation to place God as the center of your life and live with God in every aspect of your life.   

Each of the six weeks of the online retreat focus on a different grace: 

  • Week 1: For the grace of interior knowledge of God’s love for me from the beginning. 
  • Week 2: For the grace to recognize that everything is “gift” used to help me know God’s unconditional love for me. 
  • Week 3: For the grace of interior knowledge of God’s faithfulness to me throughout my life. 
  • Week 4: For the grace to choose to make God the center of my life. 
  • Week 5: For the grace to choose spiritual freedom in and with God over the attachments of the world. 
  • Week 6: For the grace to say yes to God and respond with complete trust and willingness to do whatever God asks for love. 


Together with our team of Ignatian prayer guides, we will help you more intentionally embrace God’s unconditional love for you and God’s gift of freedom. 

Our Retreat begins on September 15! 

Together as a community, and with our team of Ignatian guides, we will walk together learning more about God’s unconditional love for us and the gift of freedom God desires to give each of us.

Our retreat includes:  

  • 12 guided audio prayers using Lectio Divina  
  • 6 video reflections with Becky Eldredge on The First Principle and Foundation  
  • 6 corresponding prayer exercises on the First Principle and Foundation 
  • A weekly guide to review your prayer  
  • A community wall to share personal reflections and inspirations 
  • Virtual Community Calls with an international community  

Key Takeaways:

  • Deepen your understanding of God’s unconditional love  
  • Discover God’s faithfulness and personal care of you  
  • Understand God’s love and goodness in all the events of my life 
  • Learn that God desires to be the center of my life  
  • Name the attachments that keep me from making God as center of my life  
  • Receive God’s gift of freedom that empowers me to follow where God calls.  


  • Taking this journey with others who are seeking the same understanding of purpose and gifts that you are. 
  • A Community Wall to share as much or as little as you desire with the opportunity to get support from our Ignatian prayer guides and others walking alongside you. 
  • Live Zoom Calls to gather with others taking this Retreat with you. 
  • Recordings of the Zoom Calls in case you are unable to attend in person. 
  • Access to other Prayer Resources and tools that will help you in your prayer and reflection on the First Principle and Foundation. 


Let’s walk the Ignatian Path together.  

Your Retreat Team | Ignatian Ministries

Bringing together decades of ministry and lived experience of contemplative prayer, Becky Eldredge, Stephanie Clouatre Davis, and Deena Pavinato know what it's like to make room for God in the busyness of real life and get to know Jesus in a personal way. We each bring our unique gifts to accompany you deeper in your relationship with Christ. Come let us guide and accompany you! Find out more at

Choose a Pricing Option

Love and Freedom:

The First Principle and Foundation Curriculum

Available in days
days after you enroll
  Journeying Together
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Go Deeper: Prayer Library
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Week 1: God's Unconditional Love for Me
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Week 2: God Cares For Me Personally
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Week 3: God's Faithfulness To Me
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Week 4: God Desires To Be The Center Of My Life
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Week 5: God's Gift Of Spiritual Freedom
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Week 6: God's Invitation To Me To Respond Out Of Love
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Closing the Retreat
Available in days
days after you enroll