Meet the Ignatian Ministries Team

Becky Eldredge

Becky is an Ignatian-trained spiritual director passionate about inviting people closer to Christ.  She does this by accompanying people as they navigate deep waters of their faith lives through spiritual direction, writing, retreats, and as founder of Ignatian Ministries.  She is author of two award-winning books: The Inner Chapel and Busy Lives and Restless Souls .  Becky is part of the Archdiocese of New Orleans Spirituality Center teaching staff where she trains spiritual directors in the Ignatian tradition.  Learn more about Becky’s ministry at and by following her on Facebook and Instagram @beldredge98. 

Kim is the Chief Operating Officer for Ignatian Ministries, joining the team in September of 2024. Kim has enjoyed a 20-year career as a Human Resources executive, working in the hospitality, medical, and entertainment industries. As she transitioned into mid-life, her desire for finding a deeper meaning and purpose for her life led her to the grace of adoption and then to begin a new career in church ministry. For almost 20 years, Kim walked with countless souls as a spiritual mentor, helping others discover their inner life and unique meaning and purpose. Kim describes her life’s purpose as being a force and a voice for hope and healing. She lives in Henderson, NV with Gary, her husband of 30+ years and Kiara, their young adult daughter. Together, they enjoy their family getaways, as well as, their very competitive family game nights.

Deena Pavinato

Deena has been part of the Ignatian Ministries team for the past three years. She lives in Oglesby, Illinois among the corn fields of North Central Illinois. She has a Masters Degree in Counseling Education and over 30 years of corporate work experience in customer support leadership, project implementation and process improvement. Deena is a Benedictine Oblate, loves the practice of Ora et Labora (prayer and work), and relaxes and expresses her creativity through her weekly blog, papercrafting and mixed media projects, journaling and gardening.

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