The Grace of Standing in the Promises of God

Standing in the Promises draws from the wisdom of the early part of the second week of the Spiritual Exercises. We are invited to know in a personal way the impact of the fulfilment of the long-awaited promise of the Messiah being born. Jesus is the promise that helps us receive and offer to others the promises of presence, compassion, love and hope. Join us as we walk an Ignatian path through Advent together and reflect on how God might be inviting you to live out these promises with those we encounter and accompany in the world. 

Our hope for you this Advent is that you will:

  • Deepen your interior knowledge as you discover God’s faithfulness throughout history in the promises found in scripture  
  • Understand how God’s love and compassion draws you closer through events of your own life   
  • Develop a closer connection with God this Christmas season 
  • Receive God’s gift of hope that empowers you to move forward and share this gift with others    

Let’s stand in the promises together this Advent Season and live into the graces on Christmas Day and into the new year.   

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