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Standing in the Promises: Advent 2024
Welcome! Start Here
The Grace of Standing in the Promises of God
Frequently Asked Questions
Before You Begin: Preparing For Prayer
The Rhythm of the Retreat: How It Works
Meet the Ignatian Ministries Team
Prayer for our Retreat
Journeying Together
Community Welcome Wall
Go Deeper: Prayer Library
How to Pray: Ignatian Prayer Methods
Other Prayer Resources
Week 1: The Promise of Presence
Week 1: The Grace We Seek
Community Wall
Sunday: Guided Lectio Divina - Isaiah 11: 1-5
Monday: Repetition of Scripture - Isaiah 11: 1-5
Tuesday: Guided Lectio Divina - Isaiah 30: 18-21
Wednesday: Repetition of Scripture - Isaiah 30: 18-21
Thursday: Guided Ignatian Contemplation - Joseph's Dream - Matthew 1: 18-25
Friday: Repetition of Ignatian Contemplation - Matthew 1: 18-25
Saturday: Living into the Graces
Week 2: The Promise of Compassion
Week 2: The Grace We Seek
Community Wall
Sunday: Guided Lectio Divina - Isaiah 54: 10-14
Monday: Repetition of Scripture - Isaiah 54: 10-14
Tuesday: Guided Lectio Divina - Psalm 72: 8-14
Wednesday - Repetition of Scripture - Psalm 72: 8-14
Thursday: Guided Ignatian Contemplation - Contemplation on the Incarnation
Friday: Repetition of Ignatian Contemplation - Contemplation on the Incarnation
Saturday: Living into the Graces
Week 3: The Promise of Love
Week 3: The Grace We Seek
Community Wall
Sunday: Guided Lectio Divina - Jeremiah 31: 1-6
Monday: Repetition of Scripture - Jeremiah 31: 1-6
Tuesday: Guided Lectio Divina - Luke 1: 26-38
Wednesday: Repetition of Scripture - Luke 1: 26-38
Thursday: Guided Ignatian Contemplation - The Annunciation - Luke 1: 26 - 38
Thursday: Community Prayer Call
Community Prayer Call Recording (44:23)
Friday: Repetition of Ignatian Contemplation - The Annunciation - Luke 1: 26 - 38
Saturday: Living into the Graces
Week 4: The Promise of Hope
Week 4: The Grace We Seek
Community Wall
Sunday: Guided Lectio Divina - Isaiah 9: 1-5
Monday: Repetition of Scripture - Isaiah 9: 1-5
Tuesday: Guided Lectio Divina - The Nativity - Luke 2: 1-7
Wednesday: Repetition of Scripture - The Nativity - Luke 2: 1-7
Thursday: Guided Ignatian Contemplation - The Nativity and the Shepherds - Luke 2: 8-20
Friday: Repetition of Ignatian Contemplation - The Nativity and the Shepherds - Luke 2: 8-20
Saturday: Living into the Graces
Closing the Retreat
Gathering the Graces of the Retreat
Please give us your feedback!
What's Next? Resources and Offerings
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Wednesday: Repetition of Scripture - Isaiah 30: 18-21
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