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Going Past the Shallows Series 1: Prayer
Hi Friends! Overview
Prayer Before We Begin
Welcome to Our Community: Please Introduce Yourself!
Longing for the Deep: Exploring the Fundamentals of Ignatian Prayer
This Month's Focus; Exploring the Fundamentals of Ignatian Prayer
April Session: Watch Recording Here! (88:14)
April Session: Workbook
April Session: Community Wall
April Session: Presentation and Resources
Between the Months: Reflecting on the Fundamentals of Ignatian Prayer
April's Theme in Action
Noticing the Call to Deeper Faith in Us and Others
Understanding Various Spiritualities
Noticing Desires & Longings in Us and Others
Noticing Stages of Prayer
Creating Your Spiritual Plan and Helping Others Create Theirs
Further Reading
Stilling the Interior Waters: Finding a Still Point with the Prayer of Consideration
This Month's Focus: Finding a Still Point with the Prayer of Consideration
May Session: Watch Recording Here! (72:59)
May Session: Workbook
May Session: Community Wall
May Session: Presentation and Resources
Between the Months: Reflecting on the Prayer of Consideration
May's Theme in Action
Jesus' Model of the Prayer of Consideration
Naming Our Thin Places
Practicing the Prayer of Consideration
Teaching Others the Prayer of Consideration
Further Reading: Prayer of Consideration
Charting the Waves Within: Cultivating Awareness of God’s Movements with the Examen
This Month's Focus: Cultivating Awareness of God's Movement with the Examen
June Session: Watching Recording Here! (82:55)
June Session: Workbook
June Session: Community Wall
June Session: Presentation and Resources
Between the Months: Reflecting on the Examen
June's Theme in Action
Praying the Daily Examen
Noticing the Movements of Consolation and Desolation
Noticing Patterns
Praying Variations of the Examen
Teaching Others the Examen
Discovering the Depths of the Living Word: The Expanding Intimacy of Lectio Divina
This Month's Focus: The Expanding Intimacy of Lectio Divina
July Session: Watch Recording Here! (74:49)
July Session: Workbook
July Session: Community Wall
July Session: Presentation and Resources
Between the Months: Reflecting on Lectio Divina
July's Theme in Action
Praying with the Psalms
Praying Scriptures on Rest
Praying Scriptures on Compassion
Praying Scriptures on Courage
Guiding others in Lectio
Opening to the Infinite Deep: Bringing Deep Matters of the Heart to Colloquy
This Month's Focus: Bringing Deep Matters of the Heart to Colloquy
August Session: Watch the Live Call here! (86:50)
August Session: Workbook
August Session: Community Wall
August Session: Presentation and Resources
Between the Months: Reflecting on Colloquy
August's Theme in Action
Praying the Triple colloquy
Praying the Colloquy with Crucified Christ
Praying Colloquy at the End of Prayer
Entrusting Others to God
Guiding Others in Colloquy
Embracing the Mystery of Deep Waters: Praying with Ignatian Contemplation
This Month's Focus: Praying with Ignatian Contemplation
September Session: Watch the Live Call Here (79:32)
September Session: Workbook
September Session: Community Wall
September Session: Presentation and Resources
Between the Months: Reflecting on Ignatian Contemplation
September's Theme in Action
Praying Ignatian Contemplation with Your Favorite Gospel
Application of the Senses
Jesus Who Heals
Guide Others Through Ignatian Contemplation
Additional Resources
More from Ignatian Ministries and Becky
Teach online with
July Session: Community Wall
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