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As I Have Done For You 2022
Getting Started: Introduction
Welcome! Start Here (4:04)
Frequently Asked Questions
Before You Begin: Preparing for Prayer
The Rhythm of the Retreat: How it Works
Meet the Team
Prayer: Jesus, Ready My Heart
Journeying Together
Community Welcome Wall
Go Deeper: Prayer Library
How to Pray: Prayer Methods (10:47)
Guided Audio Prayers
More Prayer Resources
Week 1: Lean on Me
The Grace We Seek: Week 1
Community Wall
Day 1: Guided Lectio Divina, Washing the Disciples Feet
Day 2: Repetition of Washing the Disciples Feet
Day 3: Guided Ignatian Contemplation, The Last Supper
Day 4: Repetition of the Last Supper
Day 5: Guided Colloquy on Leaning into Jesus
Day 6: Repetition of Colloquy on Leaning into Jesus
Day 7: Gathering the Graces
Week 2: Stay with Me
The Grace We Seek: Week 2
Community Wall
Community Call, March 9 (13:52)
Day 1: Guided Lectio Divina, The Agony in the Garden
Day 2: Repetition of the Agony in the Garden
Day 3: Guided Ignatian Contemplation, Jesus Praying the 2nd and 3rd Time
Day 4: Repetition of Jesus Praying the 2nd and 3rd Time
Day 5: Guided Colloquy on Staying with Jesus
Day 6: Repetition of Colloquy on Staying with Jesus
Day 7: Gathering the Graces
Week 3: Speak Up for Me
The Grace We Seek: Week 3
Community Wall
Day 1: Guided Lectio Divina, Jesus before Pilate
Day 2: Repetition of Jesus before Pilate
Day 3: Guided Ignatian Contemplation, Jesus before Herod
Day 4: Repetition of Jesus before Herod
Day 5: Guided Colloquy on Speaking up for Jesus
Day 6: Repetition of Colloquy on Speaking up for Jesus
Day 7: Gathering the Graces
Week 4: Carry Me
The Grace We Seek: Week 4
Community Wall
Day 1: Guided Lectio Divina, Simon Carries the Cross
Day 2: Repetition of Simon Carries the Cross
Day 3: Guided Ignatian Contemplation, Veronica Wipes the Face of Jesus
Day 4: Repetition of Veronica Wipes the Face of Jesus
Day 5: Guided Colloquy on the Ways We Can Carry Jesus
Day 6: Repetition of Colloquy on the Ways We Can Carry Jesus
Day 7: Gathering the Graces
Week 5: Stand with Me
The Grace We Seek: Week 5
Community Wall
Community Call, March 30 (16:56)
Day 1: Guided Lectio Divina, Father Forgive Them
Day 2: Repetition of Father Forgive Them
Day 3: Guided Ignatian Contemplation, Mary at the Foot of the Cross
Day 4: Repetition of Mary at the Foot of the Cross
Day 5: Guided Colloquy on Standing with Jesus
Day 6: Repetition of Colloquy on Standing with Jesus
Day 7: Gathering the Graces
Week 6: Weep for Me
The Grace We Seek: Week 6
Community Wall
Day 1: Guided Lectio Divina, Jesus Dies
Day 2: Repetition of Jesus Dies
Day 3: Guided Ignatian Contemplation, Jesus is Taken Down from the Cross
Day 4: Repetition of Jesus is Taken Down from the Cross
Day 5: Guided Colloquy on the Ways We Are Called to Weep for Jesus
Day 6: Repetition of Colloquy on the Ways We Are Called to Weep for Jesus
Day 7: Gathering the Graces
Week 7: Wait with Me
The Grace We Seek: Week 7 (1:45)
Community Wall
Day 1: Guided Lectio Divina, Judas' Betrayal and Preparations for Passover
Day 2: Washing of the Disciples Feet
Day 3: Guided Ignatian Contemplation, The Passion
Day 4: The Burial of Jesus
Day 5: Guided Lectio Divina, The Empty Tomb
Day 6: The Resurrection and Report of the Guard
Day 7: Gathering the Graces
Week 8: Do for Me
The Grace We Seek: Week 8
Community Wall
Community Call, April 20 (10:38)
Day 1: Guided Lectio Divina, The Continuation of the Washing of the Disciples Feet
Day 2: The Advocate
Day 3: Guided Ignatian Contemplation, Jesus' Appearance to the Disciples
Day 4: Jesus and Peter
Day 5: Guided Colloquy with the Risen Christ
Closing the Retreat
Gathering the Graces: A Reflection on My Retreat
Community Wall
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Continuing Your Prayer Practice
Continuing With Community
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Day 2: Repetition of Washing the Disciples Feet
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