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Saturated in Joy: An Easter Community Retreat
Welcome! Start Here
The Grace of the Fourth Week
Frequently Asked Questions
Before You Begin: Preparing For Prayer
The Rhythm of the Retreat: How It Works
Meet the Ignatian Ministries Team
Prayer for Easter Joy
Journeying Together
Community Welcome Wall
Go Deeper: Prayer Library
How to Pray: Ignatian Prayer Methods
Other Prayer Resources
Week 1: Jesus Christ is Risen!
Week 1: The Grace We Seek
Community Wall
Day 1: Guided Ignatian Contemplation - The Empty Tomb
Day 2: Repetition of The Empty Tomb
Day 3: Guided Ignatian Contemplation - Jesus and Mary Magdalene at the Tomb
Day 4: Repetition of Jesus Appears to Mary Magdalene at the Tomb
Day 5: St. Ignatius' Meditation - Jesus Visits His Mother
Day 6: Repetition of Jesus Visits His Mother
Day 7: Gathering the Graces
Week 2: Jesus Christ Appears To His Friends
Week 2: The Grace We Seek
Community Wall
Day 1: Guided Ignatian Contemplation - Mary Magdalene, Joanna, and Mary, the Mother of James Find The Empty Tomb
Day 2: Repetition - Mary Magdalene, Joanna, and Mary, the Mother of James Find The Empty Tomb
Day 3: Guided Ignatian Contemplation - Jesus Appears to Mary Magdalene, Mary, the mother of James, and Salome
Day 4: Repetition - Jesus Appears to Mary Magdalene, Mary, the mother of James, and Salome
Day 5: Guided Ignatian Meditation - Learning to Love Like God, Part I
Community Call: April 11 at 7pm CDT (20:04)
Day 6: Repetition of Ignatian Meditation - Learning to Love Like God, Part II
Day 7: Gathering the Graces
Week 3: Jesus Christ Continues To Appear To His Friends
Week 3: The Grace We Seek
Community Wall
Day 1: Guided Ignatian Contemplation - Jesus Appears to the Women at the Tomb
Day 2: Repetition of Jesus Appears to the Women at the Tomb
Day 3: Guided Ignatian Contemplation - Jesus Appears to the Apostles
Day 4: Repetition of Jesus Appears to the Apostles
Day 5: Ignatian Meditation - Learning to Love Like God, Part II
Day 6: Repetition of Ignatian Meditation - Learning to Love Like God, Part II
Day 7: Gathering the Graces
Week 4: Jesus Christ Journeys With Friends
Week 4: The Grace We Seek
Community Wall
Day 1: Guided Ignatian Contemplation - On the Road to Emmaus, Part I
Day 2: Repetition - On the Road to Emmaus, Part I
Day 3: Guided Ignatian Contemplation - On the Road to Emmaus, Part II
Day 4: Repetition - On the Road to Emmaus, Part II
Day 5: Ignatian Meditation - Learning to Love Like God, Part III
Community Call: April 25 at 7pm CDT (22:55)
Day 6: Repetition of Ignatian Meditation - Learning to Love Like God, Part III
Day 7: Gathering the Graces
Week 5: Jesus Christ Increases Faith
Week 5: The Grace We Seek
Community Wall
Day 1: Guided Ignatian Contemplation - Jesus Appears to the Disciples in the Locked Room
Day 2: Repetition - Jesus Appears to the Disciples in the Locked Room
Day 3: Guided Ignatian Contemplation - Jesus Appears to Thomas
Day 4: Repetition - Jesus Appears to Thomas
Day 5: Ignatian Meditation - Learning to Love Like God, Part IV
Day 6: Repetition of Ignatian Meditation - Learning to Love Like God, Part IV
Day 7: Gathering the Graces
Week 6: Jesus Christ Commissions Us
Week 6: The Grace We Seek
Community Wall
Day 1: Guided Ignatian Contemplation - Jesus Commissions the Disciples
Day 2: Repetition - Jesus Commissions the Disciples
Day 3: Guided Ignatian Contemplation - Jesus Appears to Peter
Day 4: Repetition - Jesus Appears to Peter
Day 5: Guided Ignatian Contemplation - Jesus Commissions the Eleven
Day 6: Repetition - Jesus Commissions the Eleven
Day 7: Gathering the Graces
Week 7: Jesus Christ Promises The Holy Spirit And Ascends
Week 7: The Grace We Seek
Community Wall
Day 1: Guided Ignatian Contemplation - Jesus Promises the Holy Spirit
Day 2: Repetition - Jesus Promises the Holy Spirit
Day 3: Guided Ignatian Contemplation - Jesus Appears to the Disciples in the Locked Room
Day 4: Repetition - Jesus Appears to the Disciples in the Locked Room
Day 5: Guided Ignatian Contemplation - The Ascension
Day 6: Repetition - The Ascension
Day 7: Gathering the Graces
Week 8: Jesus Christ Sends The Holy Spirit
Week 8: The Grace We Seek
Community Wall
Day 1: Guided Ignatian Contemplation - Pentecost; The Coming of the Holy Spirit
Day 2: Repetition - Pentecost; The Coming of the Holy Spirit
Day 3: Guided Ignatian Contemplation - The Early Church
Day 4: Repetition - The Early Church
Day 5: Lectio Divina - New Life in Jesus Christ
Community Call: May 23 at 7pm CDT (23:52)
Day 6: Repetition - New Life in Jesus Christ
Day 7: Gathering the Graces
Closing the Retreat
Continuing the Graces of the Retreat
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What's Next? Resources and Offerings
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Week 2: The Grace We Seek
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