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Going Past the Shallows Series 2: Discernment
Hi Friends! Overview
Prayer Before We Begin
Welcome to Our Community: Please Introduce Yourself!
Prayer: The Heart of Discernment
This Month's Focus: Prayer
January: Live Class
January: Watch Recording Here (79:52)
January Session: Workbook
January Session: Community Wall
January Session: Presentation and Resources
Between the Months: Reflecting on the Heart of Discernment
January's Theme in Action
As We Begin: Name the Grace You Seek
What Are You Discerning?
Praying with Scriptures to Ready the Heart
Spiritual Autobiography
Creating Your Spiritual Plan and Helping Others Create Theirs
Further Reading
The Grace I Seek: Discernment and the Desires of Our Hearts
This Month's Focus: The Grace I Seek
February Session: Live Class
February: Watch Recording Here (96:44)
February Session: Workbook
February Session: Community Wall
February Session: Presentation and Resources
Between the Months: Reflecting on the Desires of Our Hearts
February's Theme in Action
Naming the Desires of Your Heart
Scriptures on Naming the Desires of Our Heart
Scriptures to Help Us Open and Be Available to Discern
Dreaming God's Dream
Listening for the Window in Others
Further Reading
Inner Freedom: The First Principle and Foundation and the Disposition
This Month's Focus: Inner Freedom
March Session: Live Class!
March: Watch Recording Here (88:18)
March Session: Workbook
March Session: Community Wall
March Session: Presentation and Resources
Between the Months: Reflecting on the Disposition
March's Theme in Action
Praying with Scriptures: Freedom and Imitation of Christ
Freedom From, Freedom To, Freedom For
Bending the Green Twig: Checking the Disposition
Freedom From Disordered Attachments
Deepening Our Freedom: Two Standards, Three Types of Persons, and Three Phases of Humility
Discerning the Movements of the Spirits: Consolation and Desolation
This Month's Focus: Discerning the Movements of the Spirits
April Session: Live Class!
April: Watch Recording Here (92:17)
April Session: Workbook
April Session: Presentation and Resources
April Session: Community Wall
Between the Months: Reflecting on Consolation and Desolation
April's Theme in Action
Praying the Daily Examen
Review Your Week of Prayer
Noticing Consolation and Desolation in Your Desires
Noticing Consolation and Desolation in path to Freedom
Markers of Consolation and Desolation
Further Reading
An Open Path: Four Steps of Discernment
This Month's Focus: An Open Path
May Session: Live Class!
May: Watch Recording Here (86:39)
May Session: Workbook
May Session: Community Wall
May Session: Presentation and Resources
Between the Months: Reflecting on the Steps of Discernment
May's Theme in Action
The Election
Passive Discernment
Shifting to an Active Discernment
Four Steps of Discernment
Path of Freedom
Further Reading
Aligning Our Heart with God’s: Three Modes of Discernment
This Month's Focus: Aligning our Heart with God's
June Session: Live Class!
June Session: Watch Recording Here! (81:30)
June Session: Workbook
June Session: Community Wall
June Session: Presentation and Resources
Between the Months: Reflecting on the Three Modes of Discernment
June's Theme in Action
Discerning the Mode of Your Current Discernment
Mode 1 Discernment
Mode 2 Discernment
Mode 3 Discernment
Accompanying Others Through A Discernment Process
Closing The Course - Review and What's Next?
Reviewing the Graces of this Course
Please Give Us Your Feedback!
What's Next? Resources & Offerings
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May Session: Workbook
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